
venerdì 28 aprile 2017

Casella's Slit Sampler description.

The english pilot and scientist R.B. Bourdillon has described in "A Slit sampler for collecting and counting air-borne bacteria", 1941 an impactor that became the Casella Slit Sampler. In R.B. Bourdillon slit sampler is adopted Owen's principle. A good description how Owens' jet dust-counter works is findlable in "History of Impactors - The first 110 years".

Bourdillon's sampler sucks air throught a narrow slit, deep on the surface of agar contained in a Petri dish placed below the slit. The Petri dish is slowly rotated during sampling it can be roated either by hand or mechanically, the slit is placed radial to the circular surface of the Petri dish.

 The rotation origin distinguishes two kind of sampler: hand-rotated model and motor-driven model. Both models are accurately described by Bourdillon in his article from "Journal of Hygiene", vol 41, no.2. 

The sampler's body consists of an airtight metal box (1), the Petri dish is covered by a rubber covered disk (2) that is rotated by the spindle (3) and it pass through the plain tubular bearing (14). In the roof of the box there is a removable metal tube (4) to the lower end where are soldered two metal jaws (5) forming the slit. There are two side outlets from the box: one (8) connected to a simple water manometer and the other (9) to a power-driven suction pump with an adjustable by-pass valve in the connecting tube. When in used the suction causes a pressure difference inside the box and it depends on the rate of air flow through the slit. The valve is adjusted till the water column reaches 11 inches. In these conditions the sampler gives 1 cu. ft/min, which is the recommended rate.

mercoledì 19 aprile 2017


agar: sostanza gelatinosa ottenuta dalle alghe utilizzata per le colture in microbiologia.

airborne bacteria/batteri aviotrasportati: aerosol microbici trasportati e dispersi dai movimenti dell'aria.

airtight: ermetico

bearing: cuscinetto 

cubic foot/piede cubico: il piede cubico è un'unità di misura del volume ordinariamente utilizzata nell'sistema imperiale e statunitense. E' definito come il volume che occupa un cubo con i lati di lunghezza di un piede.

1 piede= 30.48cm

1 piede cubico= 28.3168 L

hand rotated: ruotata manualmente.

jaw: ganascia

manometer/manometro: strumento dedito alla misurazione della pressione.

motor driven: alimentato a motore, motorizzato.

Petri dish/piasta di Petri: E' un piatto poco profondo solitamente fatto di vetro o di plastica utilizzato per la coltura di microrganismo.

sampling box/camera di campionamento: luogo ove il campione è allocato dopo essere stato campionato, i batteri aviotrasportati stanno nella camera successivamente alla fase del campionamento.

slit: un'apertura stretta e diretta.

soldered: saldato.

spindle: mandrino

suction pump: pompa aspirante/aspiratore.

valve: valvola.

giovedì 13 aprile 2017

Publicity of "A Slit Sampler for Airborne Bacteria" by C.F. Casella & Co LTD. Nature, 1953.

Three models available: (a) with a small sampling box to collect from 1 to 3000 organism per 3 cubic feet of air; (b) with a large sampling box to collect down to 1 organism per 100 cubic feet of air; or (c) an interchangeable model incorporating both sampling boxes.

Available for early delivery-write for leaflet No. 759

Regent House
Fitzroy Square
London, W.I

Telephone: EUSton 3944

Member Scientific Instrument
Manufacturers' Association of Great Britain

Tre modelli disponibili: (a) con una piccola scatola di campionamento per raccogliere da 1 a 3000 organismi in 3 piedi cubi di aria; (b) con una larga scatola di campionamento per raccogliere 1 organismi in 100 piedi cubi di aria; oppure (c) un modello intercambiabile incorporante entrambe le scatole di campionamento.

Disponibile per consegna anticipata-scrivere per l'opuscolo No.759.

Regent House
Fitzroy Square
London, W.I.

Telefono: EUSton 3944

Member Scientific Instrument
Manufacturers' Association of Great Britain.


Welcome in my first blog.
In this blog I would like write my considerations about Technology and Society which are strongly connected. Technology bring forward the Society but without Society there would not be Technology. This is why I tell they are "two faces of a single coin" because a coin is composed by two faces, these two faces give the value of the coin, Technology and Society give a real value to Humanity.

I am Italian native-speaker. If you find some mistakes, forgive me and report where they could be. In this blog I will write in English and in Italian.


I primi campionatori furono scoperti attorno al 1800, esso non ha cambiato il suo ruolo nell'arco degli anni. Un getto di aria (carica d...